Mashreq Logo

Correspondent Banking Logo

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Note: in order to protect your account, access will be disabled in case of 3 successive invalid password attempts. please check your password which is case sensitive before clicking on "Login". you may wish to check the position of your 'caps lock' key while typing your password.

This system is restricted to authorized individuals. Any unauthorized use of this system may result in criminal and / or civil prosecution. We reserve the right to view, monitor, and record activity on the system. Any information obtained by monitoring, reviewing, or recording is subject to review by law enforcement organizations in connection with the investigation or prosecution of possible criminal activity on the system. If you are not an authorized user of this system, please exit the system.
Software Requirements
You need one of the following browsers to access mashreq FI-online
  • Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher
  • Google Chrome
Hardware Requirements
  • Intel Pentium 133Mhz or higher
  • 4GB RAM
  • 33.6 bps or higher modem
  • Screen resolution of 1440 * 900
You will experience a better performance using :
  • Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher
  • ISDN Connection to the Internet
  • Latest Pentium processor with higher RAM configurations
  • Operating Systems such as Windows Me,Windows 2000
Cookies are a means of communication between our web servers and your computer. Allowing a Web site to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it. We recommend that you choose to accept all cookies in your browser preferences, as this will provide a smooth functioning of the application.

JavaScript is a languages that is used to help navigate and increase functionality on the Internet. To verify that your browser is JavaScript enabled, check your browser options or preferences. If your browser is not JavaScript compatible, you will have to download and upgrade your browser.
We maintain security standards and procedures to help prevent unauthorized access to confidential information about your account through mashreq FI-online

We only allow browsers supporting 128-bit encryption when you accessmashreq FI-online i.e. all your sessions to and from the bank over the internet are encrypted using a 128 bit key.

Our firewalls protect MashreqBank's systems, by allowing only authorized users. Our servers are certified by VeriSign, which should give you comfort that you are indeed connected to MashreqBank.

Only registered users will have an access to mashreq FI-online by using their password. Additional security measures are in place to effect transactions using mashreq FI-online
Privacy Policy for FI Online Internet Banking Services
MashreqBank's Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy provides information regarding the collection, use and disclosure of any and all information that is collected from the FI Online access form and your bank’s security officer in order to provide you access to the FI Online Banking Services (“mashreq FI-online”) as well as any and all information provided by you, as a subscriber to FI Online, to process your banking transactions (“Confidential Information”).

At Mashreqbank psc (“Mashreqbank”), we recognize the importance of safeguarding your Confidential Information and have maintained certain standards and put in place this Privacy Policy in order to protect your Confidential Information from misuse and unauthorized disclosure.

Confidential Information
  • In order to protect your Confidential Information, we shall:
  • Keep the Confidential Information provided by your bank to access FI Online confidential;
  • Retain and use the Confidential Information solely to process your financial transactions and all other services requested on FI Online;
  • Not directly or indirectly disclose the Confidential Information in whole or in part to any person (or allow it to be disclosed) unless permitted by you; and
  • Use all reasonable endeavors to ensure that no person has access to the Confidential Information unless authorized.

Protection of Confidential Information

Once you become a subscriber, FI Online will provide you with certain banking services, including but not limited to, recording your online sessions, granting access to view account balances, processing daily financial transactions, providing details pertaining to financial transactions and providing you with online statements on request (“Services”). 

We will use the Confidential Information as appropriate in the normal course of business in order to provide you with the Services. The Confidential Information shall be used to provide you with accurate and up to date account statements, e-mail updates on the Services availed by you and any other documentation and/or information which we believe are of importance and interest to you.

Should you have any doubts or queries with regard to the accuracy of your personal information or for any change in policy or account critical information of any transaction occurring on the net, please contact our customer services officials. We request that you keep your information as up to-date as possible so that you may get the maximum benefit from FI Online.

Restrictions on Disclosing Confidential Information
Mashreqbank does not and shall not sell or disclose your Confidential Information to any third party. The foregoing restriction shall not apply if the Confidential Information a) is in the public domain other than by breach of any obligation of confidentiality; or (b) is required to be disclosed by law or an authority of competent jurisdiction.

Sovereignty of System Rights

The security officers and/or authorised bank officials are requested to continuously update us on the valid user list in order for us to deactivate any subscriber that wishes to discontinue his/her subscription to FI Online. 

Any additional subscribers shall be granted access to FI Online only after receipt of the FI Online access form that is completed and duly authorised by the respective bank’s officer.

Limiting Employee Access to Confidential Information

Some of this Information may be handled by our employees. The employees abide by our policies and are educated about the importance of confidential and customer privacy through standard operating procedures, special training programs and our policies on ethics.

Terms of Service
FI-Online Account, Export, Import and FI e-Pay Service Agreement between Mashreqbank psc, Dubai (hereinafter referred to as “Mashreqbank”) and Mashreq FI Customer (hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”)
  • Authorised Users:
    1. The Bank’s (customer) Authorised Signatories (POA holder) will assign its Employees  as Authorised Users for   “mashreq online services”.
    2. The Customer and the Authorised Users accept the Terms & Conditions outlined herein below and agree to abide by the same for the usage of the subject Service.

  • User Id & Password:
    1. Each Authorised User will receive a unique User ID and a pre-assigned Password for authentication purpose from Mashreqbank Via their Authorised Signatories (P O A) or through their official delegated contact person in the bank.
    2. The Authorised Users undertake to change the Password immediately upon logging in the System for the first time.
    3. The Customer shall ensure that the Authorised Users utilise and keep the User ID and the Password carefully, so that unauthorised third parties do not obtain knowledge thereof.
    4. The Customer shall ensure that User IDs and Passwords are always to be kept secret and must not be stored electronically (e.g., on the hard disk, etc.).

  • Blocking of Access:
    1. The Customer and/or one of its Authorised Users / Security Officer (Contact Person)  must inform Mashreqbank immediately and without undue delay if:
      1. It is suspected that an unauthorised third party has or may have knowledge of the User ID and/or Password
      2. In the event that an unauthorised access has been made or has been attempted
      3. It is suspected or has come to knowledge of the Customer and/or the Authorised Users that the Terms & Conditions for usage of the Service have been breached and/or compromised in any manner
      4. The services of the Authorised Users have been terminated.
      5. In case of Authorised Users resign.
    2. Upon receipt of such a notice from the Customer and/or one of its Authorised Users, or in the event that such information comes to notice of Mashreqbank from any other plausible source, Mashreqbank has the right to take any action it deems fit to protect the integrity of the System (both hardware and software) and the confidentiality of the data residing.
    3. In such circumstances, action(s) on part of Mashreqbank may include, but is/are not restricted to, blocking of access to the Service for the Customer and/or any or all its Authorised Users.
    4. Mashreqbank will use its own discretion to decide on the resumption of the facility to use of the Service by the Customer and/or its Authorised Users.
    5. Access to the Service may also be terminated/blocked under any of the following conditions:
      1. The User ID and/or the Password are entered incorrectly three times consecutively.
      2. The Customer or its Authorised Signatories (POA holder) request that access be blocked.
    6. The blocking of access can only be lifted by Mashreqbank and at its discretion.

  • Liability:
    1. Neither Mashreqbank nor the Customer shall be liable for the delay or failure to comply with this Agreement arising from any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of either party, including (without limitation) act of God, act of government or regulatory authority, war, fire, flood, explosion, terrorism, riot or civil commotion, or non-availability, non-functioning or malfunctioning of utilities, internet service provider(s), or broadcast, telecommunications or other network systems or services.
    2. With the exception of gross negligence and/or wilful misconduct committed, the Customer shall be responsible for any charge or loss incurred by the Customer or by Mashreqbank. The liability will be limited to the direct loss. It’s liability for resultant/following loss including failure of profit is excluded.
    3. The Customer is fully liable to indemnify Mashreqbank, its Directors, Officers, Employees, and Agents, for all losses and damages, howsoever caused, resulting from the use of the System.

  • Other Miscellaneous Update:
    1. The Customer shall inform Mashreqbank immediately in writing of any changes to its details as submitted on the Application Form and other relevant documents. To update if there is any change in  contact details and postal address.

    On Export Services:

        1. Generation of Reimbursement Claims and Tracers by Mashreqbank on behalf of branches of Customer is dependent on the options selected by the customer.
        2. Data will be processed by Mashreqbank same day if it is received on a normal banking in the UAE and at least 2 hours before end of normal banking hours.
        3. Mashreqbank, after receipt & successful uploading of data will send Reimbursement Claim at pre-agreed number of days,  prior to maturity date, mentioning maturity date as the value date for the claim. If on the day of receipt and uploading of data at Mashreqbank the due date has already passed, Reimbursement Claims will be sent on the same day with the day’s value.
        4. The claimed amount / traced Amount is calculated as the net of Bill Amount after adding “ADD OUR CHARGES” and subtracting any “DEDUCT YOUR CHARGES” as appearing at the Bill Lodgement Level in the System.

  • Applicable Law:
    1. This contractual relationship shall be governed by the law of the United Arab Emirates. Place of jurisdiction shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What computer hardware, operating system and software do I need to bank online?
    2. I forgot my password. What do I do?
    3. I have forgotten my User ID / Password. What do I do?
    4. How secure is mashreq FI-online ?
    5. What is encryption and how is it used to protect my information?
    6. What is the difference between 40-bit and 128-bit encryption?
    7. How can I tell when my connection is secure?
    8. How do I know I have the right browser?
    9. I don't have the right browser. How can I upgrade my browser?
    10. How do I print information from mashreq FI-online ?
    1. What computer hardware, operating system and software do I need to bank online?
    To bank online with mashreq FI-online, you need:
    • An internet service provider (ISP)
    • An internet browser (such as Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.1 or higher) that supports:
      • 128-bit encryption (also called domestic-, U.S.-grade, or strong encryption), which encodes information so that it can not be read without decoding.
      • Secure sockets layer (SSL) version 3.0 protocol, which ensures that communication between your computer and our web server can't be interrupted or intercepted by an unauthorized user.
    2. I forgot my password. What do I do?
    If you forget your password when trying to log on or If a wrong password is used 3 times consecutively, you will be made 'inactive'., please contact you Bank’s Authorised Signatories for putting up your request to mashreq FI-online Administrator to enable you to reset the password . On receiving your request the mashreq FI-online Administrator will be resetting your current password, so that you can login to the system once again, provided you can successfully remember your password.
    3. I have forgotten my User ID / Password. What do I do?
    If you forget your User ID or Password or are having other difficulties in logging on, please contact you Bank’s Authorised Signatories for putting up your request to mashreq FI-online Administrator. The user ID will be forwarded to you through your approved channel by the mashreq FI-online Administrator.
    4. How secure is mashreq FI-online?
    We understand that security is a concern for all online users. mashreq FI-online offers a high level of security: all access must be completed using a browser that supports 128-bit encryption, so that all communication between you and the bank using mashreq FI-online is encrypted to protect the confidentiality of your data. Additionally,  mashreq FI-online users are required to select their own Password upon registration, but can change the Password at any time and are required to do so periodically. In the interest of your security, mashreq FI-online will automatically log you off if your system has remained inactive for a period of time during any session.
    5. What is encryption and how is it used to protect my information?
    Encryption is the transformation of data into an unreadable form, and decryption is the reversal of that process. Both encryption and decryption require the use of a special code, usually referred to as a key. The security level of the key is dependent on the browser itself and on whether or not it supports the 128 bit server side encryption used by mashreq FI-online. From the moment you enter your User ID until the moment that you log off, all communications between you and MashreqBank through  mashreq FI-online are encrypted to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your account information. To communicate with you, MashreqBank requires a secure browser that supports 128-bit encryption. Consequently, non-supported browser configurations will not be able to login to mashreq FI-online. The encryption of data provides a strong degree of protection against tampering while data is moving through the Internet.
    6. What is the difference between 40-bit and 128-bit encryption?
    Because encryption works by transforming your information into an unreadable format using a key, the longer the key the harder it is to break. The 128-bit encryption technology uses a key that is many times longer than 40-bit technology. Comparing 128-bit security with 40-bit security is like comparing a combination lock that requires a hundred numbers to open to one that requires only three numbers to open. mashreq FI-online always uses 128 bit encryption in all transactions
    7. How can I tell when my connection is secure?
    With mashreq FI-online, once you click on the "login" button on the Home Page, a separate window frame without browser buttons is launched. All enquiries and transactions from this window will always be encrypted. You may be aware that in some banking applications, the URL will appear as https://www/  if you are in a secure area. Notice the "s" in the address for a secure server. In mashreq FI-online you are ALWAYS on a secure server when you are logged in so you don't need to bother looking for such features.
    8. How do I know I have the right browser?
    We ensure that you have the right browser when you begin to Sign Up or Log On to mashreq FI-online. If you have a non-supported browser configuration, you will be unable to login to mashreq FI-online.
    9. I don't have the right browser. How can I upgrade my browser?
    Both Microsoft and Netscape have browsers that meet MashreqBank's 128-bit encryption requirements. You can upgrade your browser by using the Microsoft and Netscape links that we have provided for you under "Requirements" on the mashreq FI-online Home Page.
    10. How do I print information from mashreq FI-online?
    You can trigger the print command "Clicking" the print icon available under Account summary, Loan Summary and Deposits Summary or download details in any format i.e. XLS, DOC, CSV, PDF and then print.
    Contact Us
    FI Customer Service Contact Details:

    Tel: +971 4 424 4714 / 4725/ 6964 / 6545;



    You may also Click here to contact our Financial Institution Service Unit OR Write to us on our BIC code BOMLAEAD

  • Home:
    1. All users are able to view Help page for each topic and also the user can send their comments and suggestions to the bank through email.
    2. Shortcut helps the user to go to a specific target page in the portal directly without having to click multiple times through the navigation menu. The links displayed here are dynamically built based on the user’s entitlements.
  • Password Reset:
    1. This option enables to change the user's login passwor, To Access Change Password :
    2. Click Change Password on the Top Pane.
    3. Enter Old Password, New Password and Confirm Password in the respective fields.
    4. Click Save to save the changes.
    5. Click Password Policies to view the password rules to be taken care while setting the new password.
    6. Go Back to the Security option to select the item from the list
  • Contact Us:
    1. This option is used to ask any queries/post complaints to the Bank users.
    2. Click Contact Us Option
    3. Displays the Main Menu to enter the interaction or exit from the main menu
    4. Select the Subject from the drop-down. The values for the subject are Inquiry, Complaints and Service Request. It is mandatory.
    5. Select the customer type whether its for the customer or non customer
    6. Provide the email address where to confirm the resolution
    7. Enter the Inquiry/ complaint in the description box
    8. In the attachment maximum of 1MB per file can be attached, Files with following extensions are supported to be attached: ".doc",".xls",".rar",".zip",".jpg",".tif",".tiff",".txt",".pdf",".msg"
    9. For security purpose , please enter the displayed code
    10. This system is designed to explicitly to serve our banks and financial institutional clients. Clients are advised to provide the correct and complete account number for quicker resolution.
    11. Click on the submit buttom to create the interaction or if required to reset the details click on reset button else click on cancel to return back to the main menu
    12. Go Back to the Contact Us option to select the item from the list
  • Top

  • Account Summary:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the account details by providing different options
    2. Enter the Account Title OR
    3. Enter the Account Number OR
    4. Click on the Balance option whether to check it with the available option Not Equal to Zero , Equal to Zero, All and OD
    5. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Loan Summary:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Loan details by providing different options
    2. Enter the Customer Title
    3. Loan Number
    4. Click on Search or Reset the details
    5. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Deposit Summary:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Deposit details by providing different options
    2. Enter the Customer Title
    3. Deposit Number
    4. Click on Search or Reset the details
    5. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Group Summary:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the details of the Account, Loan and Deposit details on one Page
    2. In the Customer Tab , type the account title
    3. Click on Search or Reset the Details
    4. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Top
    Payment Inquiry

  • Inward Remittance:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the details of the Inward Remittance details
    2. Select the option either with debit or credit account
    3. Select the Payment Message Type either its MT-103 or MT-202
    4. Select the Beneficiary Name
    5. Select the Remitter Name
    6. Select the Date Range
    7. Select Amount and Currency
    8. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Outward Remittance:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the details of the Outward Remittance details
    2. Select the option either with debit or credit account
    3. Select the Payment Message Type either its MT-103 or MT-202
    4. Select the Beneficiary Name
    5. Select the Remitter Name
    6. Select the Date Range
    7. Select Amount and Currency
    8. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Standing Instructions:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the standing instructions details
    2. Select the option either with debit or credit account
    3. Select the option either with Beneficiary Name
    4. Select the option with the remitter Name
    5. Select the Date Range
    6. Select Amount and Currency
    7. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Cheque Collection:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the standing instructions details
    2. Select the option either with debit or credit account
    3. Select the option either with Beneficiary Name
    4. Select the option with the remitter Name
    5. Select the Date Range
    6. Select Amount and Currency
    7. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Top
    Trade Inquiry

  • Export LC

  • LC Advising status:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the LC Advising status
    2. Select the option with the applicant Name
    3. Select the option with the beneficiray Name
    4. Select the Date Range
    5. Select Amount and Currency
    6. Select the Receiver BIC Code
    7. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Expired LC- Document Not Presented:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Expired LC- Document Not Presented
    2. Select the option with the applicant Name
    3. Select the option with the beneficiray Name
    4. Select the Date Range
    5. Select Amount and Currency
    6. Select the Receiver BIC Code
    7. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Expired LC- Outstanding Charges:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Expired LC- Outstanding Charges
    2. Select the option with the applicant Name
    3. Select the option with the beneficiray Name
    4. Select the Date Range
    5. Select Amount and Currency
    6. Select the Receiver BIC Code
    7. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Confirmation Status:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the LC Confirmation Status
    2. Select the option with the LC Reference
    3. Select the Date Range
    4. Select Amount and Currency
    5. Select the Receiver BIC Code
    6. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Document Status:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Document Status
    2. Select the option with the Our LC reference Number
    3. Select the Date Range
    4. Select Amount and Currency
    5. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Discounting Status:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Discounting Status
    2. Select the option with the Our LC reference Number
    3. Select the option with the Our Bill reference Number
    4. Select the Date Range
    5. Select Amount and Currency
    6. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Bills Outstanding Report:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Bills Outstanding Report
    2. Select the option of Receiver BIC Code
    3. Select the option with the Our LC reference Number
    4. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Pricing:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Pricing details
    2. Select the option with the Our LC reference Number
    3. Select the Date Range
    4. Select Amount and Currency
    5. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Reimbursement Claim Status:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Reimbursement Claim Status
    2. Select the option with the Our LC reference Number
    3. Select the option with Claiming Bank Reference
    4. Select the Date Range
    5. Select Amount and Currency
    6. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Top
  • Import LC:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Import LC
    2. Select the option with the Debit/Credit Account Number
    3. Select the option with the applicant Name
    4. Select the option with the beneficiray Name
    5. Select the Date Range
    6. Select Amount and Currency
    7. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Top
  • Guarantee:
    1. This option provides the facility to check the Guarantee
    2. Select the option with the applicant Name
    3. Select the option with the beneficiray Name
    4. Select the option with the Issue Date
    5. Select the option with the Expiry Date
    6. Select Amount and Currency
    7. Select the Receiver BIC Code
    8. Go Back to the Application Menu to select the item from the list
  • Top
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